Domains: 2 Domains
Total No. of Scans: 4
Annual Cost: ₹349 249
Bulk Buy ( No. of Scans X 12): ₹3499 2499
Domains: 2 Domains
Total No. of Scans: 4
Annual Cost: ₹499 379
Bulk Buy ( No. of Scans X 12): ₹4999 3749
Domains: 4 Domains
Total No. of Scans: 8
Annual Cost: ₹599 449
Bulk Buy ( No. of Scans X 12): ₹5999 4449
Domains: 4 Domains
Total No. of Scans: 8
Annual Cost: ₹949 689
Bulk Buy ( No. of Scans X 12): ₹4499 6889
Domains: 10 Domains
Total No. of Scans: 20
Annual Cost: ₹1199 879
Bulk Buy ( No. of Scans X 12): ₹11699 8779
Domains: 10 Domains
Total No. of Scans: 20
Annual Cost: ₹1669 1249
Bulk Buy ( No. of Scans X 12): ₹16669 12499
Every few years, the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) publishes a list of the top 10 vulnerabilities in the field of web application security. ESDS VTMScan identifies these flaws and respects the OWASP guidelines. We search for vulnerabilities such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), SQL Injection, Insecure Deserialization, and Sensitive Data Exposure, and report them along with advice for how to resolve them.
Content Change Monitoring is an important feature provided by ESDS VTM Scan. We scan each and every page of the ESDS VTM Scan has a useful tool called Content Change Monitoring. To identify any changes, we scan each and every page of the website. Every modification is tracked across the website, along with its proportion and associated URLs. We start by taking a snapshot of all the web pages, then check each one for modifications and report any abnormalities we find. This tool allows website owners to see if modifications are being made to their website without their knowledge or if the changes are fraudulent.
Website defacement check: Website defacement is an attack on a website that changes the visual appearance of the site or a webpage.
Protect your customers and safeguard your website and web application with ESDS VTMScan.
Protect your customers and safeguard your website and web application with ESDS VTMScan.
Domain reputation in Google, SURBL, Malware Patrol, Clean-Mx, Phishtank,Sorbs, Spamcop, Abusech, Isc.
Google, SURBL, Malware Patrol, Clean MX, PhishTank, Sorbs, Spamco p,Abusech,Isc - ESDS VTMScan analyses if your domain is listed in these databases. These companies have databases that contain IP addresses and domains that are used to extract data for malware, spamming, and phishing.
IP addresses on RBLs (Real-time Blackhole Lists) are those whose owners refuse to stop spam from spreading. RBL compiles a list of server IP addresses from a variety of ISPs (Internet Service Providers) whose customers are spammers. RBL also keeps track of ISPs whose servers have been used to transmit spam. The mail server IPs in 58 such RBL repositories were checked using ESDS VTMScan.
Link crawling is the process of collecting all of the website's websites (URLs). It assists us in determining how many websites our website has and what these pages are about. The website owner can also double-check whether or not these pages are genuine.
ESDS VTMScan checks for SSL Poodle, BEAST, CRIME, Heartbleed, DROWN,SSL grade check,SSL Certificate check etc.
In SSL Check, the following areas are checked:
Local File Inclusion (LFI) is a method of injecting a file or script on a server via a web browser, allowing local directory traversals and characters to be injected if the page is not sanitised. Sensitive information is exposed as a result of this attack.
Remote File Inclusion (RFI):Remote File Inclusion (RFI) is an attack that looks for vulnerabilities in a web application and uses a script on the web browser to include a remote file. The criminal intends to use an application's functionality to upload malware from a different domain.
Data Leak's new functionality has been released. Unauthorized data transmission from an organisation to an external destination is known as data leakage. VTMScan determines whether or not a data breach has happened and shows the results in the form of a correct list under the page source. VTMScan sends forth relevant signals like this.
ESDS VTMScan DMARC inspector validates DMARC, SPF records and check for email spoofing is possible or not.And also validates DKIM records.
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