eNlight OSv

An Integrated Hypervisor Solution With A Fully Managed Enterprise-class OS

An innovative enterprise-class operating system to make your IT environment simpler and your infrastructure more up-to-date. To speed up innovation, eNlight OSv is simply deployable in both on-premises and public cloud contexts. An open and comprehensive operating system, eNlight OSv supports virtualizations with an integrated hypervisor, is controlled by the ESDS eNlight 360° Orchestration tool, and is completely managed. The best option for server virtualization and data center automation that can give IT operations flexibility and support heavy workloads is eNlight OSv.
A uniquely built system allows your business applications scale and roll-out advanced technologies that are can be easily managed across the cloud environment.

A Complete Solution Offered And Managed By ESDS

Enterprise Linux OS
Based on open-source operating system on which you can scale applications and roll-out advanced technologies across bare-metal, virtual and multiple cloud environments.
XenCenter enables you to manage your Xen Hypervisor environment via XAPI (Xen API) and efficiently deploy, manage, and monitor virtual machines from your Windows desktop.
eNlight 360°
eNlight 360° is a complete on-premise hybrid cloud solutions which comes with a hybrid cloud orchestration layer along with data center management suite and security scanner.

Enterprise Xen Hypervisor
ESDS has customized and has made improvements to develop Enterprise Xen Hypervisor to easily manage and enhance virtual environments.

Comprehensive And Integrative Enterprise Xen Hypervisor

Committed To Your Business Success

Any organization that wants to save hardware expenses, enhance server provisioning, and disperse virtual workloads across diverse tasks must consider virtualization. In essence, ESDS reduces your CAPEX through an OPEX subscription model by offering enterprise support on a subscription basis, including completely managed support, installation, and service.

Our professionals give you the appropriate help to satisfy your specific demands after thoroughly understanding your company requirements. We also offer specialized assistance that is catered to your own requirements, whether it be for the installation or upgrade of services, hypervisor management level, or both.

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UAE Office

EX-17, Ground Floor, Bldg 07-Co Work, Dubai Outsource City, Dubai, UAE